
Métis Works Disclaimers

  • This database is for contact information purposes only. The criteria for inclusion within the database is the person be a citizen of the Métis Nation of Alberta, or in the case of a company, be owned by a registered citizens(s) of the Métis Nation of Alberta, and the company listed is at least 51% Métis owned.
  • Other than indicated above, the individuals and/or companies listed in the Alberta MétisWorks database are not officially affiliated with the Métis Nation of Alberta. The Métis Nation of Alberta has not reviewed the qualifications or experience of any of the persons listed in the Alberta MétisWorks database. Consequently, the Métis Nation of Alberta makes no representations, promises, warranties, or guarantees on the quality of workmanship or any other attributes of any of the persons or organizations listed.
  • Registering your business with Alberta MétisWorks does not guarantee the organizations or individuals enlisted will be contracted with procurement opportunities.
  • Registration on this database does not negate or replace any pre-qualification process required by any client issuing a Request for Proposal or Request for Bid package.
  • Users of this database do so by their own choice. By using this database for search purposes or to be listed as a contractor, the user agrees in no way whatsoever shall the Métis Nation of Alberta be held liable for any losses, debts, or damages that may arise or be occasioned by the user, directly or indirectly, in conjunction with the use of this database. The user hereby expressly releases the Métis Nation of Alberta from any such losses, damages, or claims.
  • Without limiting the generality of the above provisions, the Métis Nation of Alberta will not be responsible for ensuring: (a) Contractors listed in the database meet all of the obligations of any contract undertaken by them; and/or (b) Contractors are properly paid for all work completed in accordance with any contract undertaken by them.

Please use the form below to contact us.

Contact Us

We'd love to hear from you! Please contact us either by email or by calling our office directly.

  • #100-11738 Kingsway Avenue NW Edmonton, Alberta T5G 0X5
  • Direct: 780-455-2200
    Toll Free: 1-800-252-7553


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